Saturday, November 1, 2008

I lOve You

If ever you wonder why i care for you so much
If ever you wonder why i want to see you everyday
If ever you wonder why I am always around
If ever you wonder why my shoulders are always there when you need to cry

If ever you wonder when i like to see you smile
If ever you wonder why i get mad when someone makes you cry
If ever you wonder why I never get out of your sight
If ever you wonder why i am always by your side

If ever you wonder why i am missing you so much
If ever you wonder why i care for you this much
If ever you wonder why i do things just to make you laugh
If ever you wonder why i always give you my hanky when tears drop in you eyes

ALL I wish you could wonder why i do all of this
ALL I wish you could wonder why i am making all of this
Because the reason behind all of this
Is for you to wonder that I LOVE YOU with a bliss.


D.L. Verzosa said...

LUCKY, is the girl who will be receiving this.. the girl or should i say "NYA" (as you said to me) who made you compose a poem like this.. im sure that you put all your heart into it..

i'm breathlessly proud! z yah on monday, i'll talk to you! :D

Krisella A. Chua said...

pssssT! follow follow me!!!

J u L i u S said...

drama amf

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